Online Registration
Friday's Riverside
Riverside Centre
123 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
In 2025 our board meetings will commence at 2:00 pm on (usually) the fourth Monday of the month at Friday's Riverside, 15 minutes after our normal Club meeting has finished.
However THIS board meeting is on Monday 10 February.
Monday 24 February - also held for a Board Meeting if quicker follow up is required.
As per usual practice, any Club member wishing to be present during a board meeting is most welcome to attend, but would not be allowed to vote on any board matters. This meeting is not suitable for non Club members unless by prior arrangement.


Time Line

Monday 10 February

Board Meeting at Friday's Riverside, 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Friday 14 February

Secretary to email draft board minutes to all board members by midday

Sunday 16 February

All board members to confirm accuracy of draft minutes back to the Secretary by midday

Monday  17 February     

Secretary to email minutes that have been confirmed by board members to all Club members.