27 Rotarians were at DIK last Saturday 23rd June.

 This was the wrap up of DIK’s time at Durack.  This is because the owner wants his property back, and gave 6 months’ notice last November.  From our club Brisbane Rotary, there were 6 members – Denise Schellbach, Keith Watts, James Delahunty, Jacqui Page, Robyn Burridge and John Smerdon.
Unless DIK can get an extension, the shed and grounds will have to be cleared by Saturday 30th June.   Seven containers have been loaded and are on the ground ready to be shipped out.  Everything else is being loaded into cages ready to be loaded into trucks to be taken into storage at the pineapple factory pending a new site.  Rotarians are working at the site every day this week, and again on Saturday.  So if any of our members are available, there’s a job to do at Durack.  It’s simple, just turn up, sign into the attendance sheet, grab a safety waistcoat and see the DIK boss  for instructions.  At morning tea time one of the regulars will be cooking sausages and eggs and there will be tea and coffee and BBQ buns or bread.  Start time is 8 am.  The sign-on is important – it’s part of the safety instructions that our D9600 insurers require.
After Saturday, who knows?  The DIK committee has set up a tax-deductible trust to raise funds for a permanent HQ for DIK.  It will serve for all of Southern Queensland and Northern NSW – our 3 Districts 9600, 9630 and 9640 that will merge into one District 9620 in 2 year’s time.  In the meantime, they are looking for a philanthropic landlord with 10,000 sq meters of shed that will be leased to DIK, preferably at a peppercorn rental.
Read more about this on the D9600 web site and the DIK/RAWKS newsletter.